careers at esina.
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Please Note: We do not provide work from home or part time opportunities.
Internships/jobs require you to attend regular office and work in sync with the team.
We welcome you to work with us if you are someone who is active, responsible and get's things done.​
Work Location: Prabhat Road, Karve Road, Pune (Working from Office Premise Only)
Working in a team is what gets the best out of everyone and so we do not provide work from home opportunities
​Perks of working at esinagrow.org:
Learn! At a start-up you are exposed to a variety of things which enables you to learn across different fields & sectors & let's you take up responsibility
We have game tournaments at office after work! Carrom, Chess, Catan, Battleship, Monopoly, etc.
You can wear anything at work unless we have a client meeting. Shorts, jeans, sarees, tees, dress, suit, practically anything except a bikini
We literally have a bed at office where you can take a nap
An induction to make Maggi, Tea or Coffee plus a fridge to load whatever you want.
Unlimited free supply of beverages and snacks at office
Work in a vibe which no one else can offer
Above all, you would be guided and mentored by an IIM Bangalore Alumni.